Once you have created a season for your team, you will have the ability to view a live data table of users that have registered to your season. This allows you to see accounting information, onboarding information, documents uploaded by parents (if requested in your season registration form), edit registrations, and more. This provides a seamless and easy to use content management system to help you stay organized and efficient during your teams seasons. To begin, login to your account and navigate to your Dashboard.
1. Select the tab and find the team you want to view the data table of.
2. Click on the tab.
3. You will be automatically shown all of the seasons .
On this page, you will be able to view lots of things, so lets break it down a bit:
This box on your live data table will show you the total amount collected from your season registrations.
The Balance Due box on your live data table shows you how much total balance is due. This will most often be from people who are using a "Pre Registration" option, or are paying with an installment plan.
This will show how many registrations out of the total have fully completed their payments for the seasons registration.
This box will give you a quick glance at what percentage of season registrations have fully completed the onboarding process.
Next to each registration are three buttons,. Here is how to utilize each one:
: This button will allow you to edit a registration. This can be useful if a parent is unable to upload a document or photo for any reason, you have the ability to upload or change the item for them.
: This button allows you to view the live receipts from each registration. This will allow you to see if they have paid in full or if they are using an installment plan (if available).
: This button will take you to the registered players page. Here you can view player stats, edit player, and more.
Next to the buttons above, are the payment status of each player, the current amount collected, and the remaining balance due. This creates an easy snapshot of each registered players financial status.
If you have asked for any document uploads (Birth Certificates, Grades), headshots, document acknowledgement (Terms and Conditions, Parental Expectations, etc.), t-shirt size selections, etc., they will be able to be viewed at the end of each registration. You can easily see which players still need to finish the onboarding process.
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