During the team season creation or editing process, you will have the ability to create a custom form to add to your team registration process. First, login to your account and navigate to your Dashboard.
2. Click on the team you would like to add or edit a season for.
3. Scroll to step 4/5 and click .
4. Select an already created form, or create a new form.
5. If creating a new form, enter a form name and click continue.
6. Here, you will see the default form that will be used for player registrations. You can add to this form by selecting from the list of form options and dragging and dropping it to the "Additional Questions" section of the form.
7. Your new form element will appear in the “Additional Questions” area. Name your question and adjust the question as you need to.
8. Adjust the question to your liking, and add more additional questions if needed.
9. Once you have finished customizing your registration form, either click on or
You can edit this form by editing your season. Find our help article on how to edit your team season here.
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