Here you can create teams, edit existing teams, duplicate teams, delete teams, and more! You can see the team profile, roster, assistant coaches, season registrations, events the team is attending, team packages they are a part of, credits they are associated with, memberships they have, and expired memberships. All teams are organized by gender and age group.
Here, you can see the key details of your team including any coaches associated with the team, team location, and team record.
Under the Rosters tab, you can view, edit and export your roster. Here is where you will add players, edit players, and delete players.
Here you can access and edit all assistant coaches associated with the selected team.
If you have created a season for your team, here is where you will be able to view, edit, and export all season registrations associated with the selected team.
Under the Event Registrations tab you can view, edit, and export all event registrations associated with the selected team. You can see the amount paid for each event, the status of the registration, and all event details.
Here you can view, edit, and export all team packages that have been purchased for the selected team. You can see the amount paid for each package, the status of the team package, and all details.
If you have purchased any credits for the selected team, you will be able to find and redeem them under this tab. You will also be able to view which credits have been used and the event details that the credits were redeemed for.
Under the Memberships tab you can view, edit, and export all active memberships associated with the selected team. You can see the status of each membership and view all details of the membership.
Here you can find a list of all expired memberships associated with the selected team. You have the ability to view and export the list of expired memberships.
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