You can easily find events on our app by searching with our new map event finder!
First, login to your account. (Help article can be found here.)
1. Simply select the tab on your screen.
2. Input any search criteria that you have for your event. If you do not input any search criteria, this will automatically filter to any events in the next 30 days, in any state, any event type, any sport type, within any organization, any division, and any gender:
3. Once you have filtered the events to your liking, start exploring the available events.
4. You can also view available events by swiping up on the "Featured events in" page. This will show you a more detailed version of the events in the map area that you are currently looking at. To collapse the list again, simply swipe the list back down.
5. Once you have selected an event by clicking on a price bubble or the event within the list, the event details will show up on your screen.
5. You have the option to view the About tab, Multi-Player Discount tab, Divisions tab, Admissions tab(if applicable), and Merchandise tab (if applicable).
The about tab will cover all essential event information including the available divisions, genders, talent levels, how many games are included, and the cost.
You will also be able to view the location, and (if available) the contact information of the event director.
Under the schedules tab, you will be able to view the event schedule (if it is available).
The Multi-player discount tab (if applicable) will show the available promotions that are available if you would like to register more than one team for an event. These are added at the event directors discretion.
The Divisions tab shows all of the available divisions for teams to join. In order to register for a division, your team must meet the division criteria, as set by the event director. If you see a division that you would like your team to join, click on the correct division.
The admissions tab is where you will find all available tickets to be purchased for the event. These prices are set by the event director. If you would like to purchase a ticket, simply select the button.
The merchandise tab is where you will find all available merchandise to be purchased for the event. These prices are set by the event director. If you would like to purchase something, simply select the button.
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