Login or Create an Account:
- Make sure you're logged in to your account.
- Note: Even if you already have a PayPal account, you need to set up a new PayPal account through Scorbots platform. This is essential for successful payouts.
- Ensure your role is selected as Event Director, Event Staff, or Organization Owner, or Team Owner within Scorbot.
Navigate to Payouts:
- Within the "Account" tab on your Dashboard, find the "PayPal Configuration".
- Once you have selected "Setup PayPal Account", you will be redirected to the onboarding platform.
1. Enter Contact Information:
- Provide your email address.
2. Create your account:
- Enter your details and create a secure password. Be sure to write your login information down in a safe place!
3. Click "Let's Go!":
4. Select which type of account you will be using PayPal with:
5. Provide Required Information:
- Fill in the necessary information about yourself.
6. Provide Business Information:
- This is to ensure that your payouts go smoothly, so be sure to enter the correct information.
7. Check the email you used to create an account with, and look for an email from PayPal.
- Once you receive the email, click on the link to verify your account and you're all set!
To Access PayPal Dashboard:
- Your PayPal information will now be available in the "Payment Dashboard" tab, accessible from your Dashboard.
This information is stored securely within PayPal. View their privacy
policy here: PayPal- Privacy Statement
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